gas motorized bicycles

By Manuel Salvacion
Each year, hundreds are killed and thousand others get injured in bicycle-related accidents in Los Angeles. Many of these accidents involved collisions with other vehicles and pedestrians while others are caused by traffic rule violations.

To avoid accidents and protect yourself, it is necessary to know the important rules governing bicycle riding and tips on what to do in case of an accident. This also includes state laws governing bicycles.

Bicycle Laws

Under the California bicycle law, every person riding a bicycle has "all the rights and are subject to all duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle, including the provisions dealing with driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs."

Besides the required wearing of helmets, a bicycle rider must also remember some important provisions of the bicycle law:

•A bicycle must be equipped with a brake

•A bicycle must have a handle bar raised only to the required level

•At night, a bicycle must be equipped with a white light and other reflector device.

The law also requires other motorists to assist and give way to bicycle riders while on the road as a matter of road courtesy.

If you get yourself involved in a serious bicycle accident, it is important to follow these guidelines:

•Seek immediate medical attention
•If other persons are involved, call 911. Report the number of individuals injured, their conditions, and request medical attention.
•Exchange information with all parties involved in the accident. This includes, name, address, telephone number, driver's license number, insurance provider, and insurance policy number.
•Get statements from witnesses of the accident.
•Take down notes on the accident, including weather conditions, traffic,
road conditions, traffic lights, speed, outside distractions, etc.
•Take pictures of the accident and any injuries you may have obtained
•Give a full report to the police, but do not point blame. Just give the facts.
•Get medical attention immediately, and get copies of all records. Include information and records on rehabilitation sessions, surgeries, visits, and medications.
•Call an experienced bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible to pursue your claim.

Many bicycling accidents are caused by the pure

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